10 Phenomenal Phonics Activities for Preschoolers

The education department acknowledges phonics as a crucial component in assisting kids in developing excellent reading skills. Early phonics instruction can also aid in a child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and cultural development.
We should teach children to read using phonics in an organized manner, starting with the simplest sounds and progressing to the more complicated ones.
To understand what they are reading, children must be able to read fast, accurately, and without stuttering on words. Phonics education facilitates that learning process. Vishwankar Public School is one of the best schools in Coimbatore and covers ten phonics activities for preschoolers.
10 Phenomenal Phonics Activities for Kids:
The following list of activities will assist you in educating phonics to your child:
Hop letter game:
To make a stepping-stone for each letter of the alphabet or however many you have room for, all you need is coloured paper, one die, and a marker.
For more advanced students, you can even add “ch” and “sh” pieces. Your child will roll the die, do the designated number of hops, say the letter they land on, and pronounce it as part of the game.
This interactive game will help in your child’s learning of letter sounds and counting. It’s great for playing with family members, friends, or siblings.
Mystery box game:
Create colorful paper chits using a few different combinations and basic alphabets. In a paper bag, place the chits. Pick out a chit and read aloud the letter’s sound with your kid as you take turns doing so.
For instance, put three items in a bag; for the letter “b,” use a ball, bug, and button. Ask your kid to name each object and identify the “mystery letter” that connects them all.
The Alphabet ball:
This game mixes the popular ball-throwing game with phonics.
- The child is then given the ball once the parent calls out a letter. The kid must utter a word that begins with that letter.
- The parent next says a word that begins with the letter that was called out by the child, and so on.
- You can change the game so that while passing the ball, you must say all words that begin with a specific alphabet.
Create a Phonics book:
Creating a phonics book for your kids is an interesting task as kids also participate in this game.
It’s a better approach to understanding phonetic ideas than to creating a book with all the sounds and images that go along with them.
Start with simpler one-letter sounds and begin by taping photographs of anything you may discover that begins with that particular letter.
Race of letter sounds:
This is a fascinating game where the child’s understanding is encouraged by the letters, pronunciation, and joining the appropriate words.
- Place a letter magnet in opposition to any magnetic surface, such as an easel, fridge, or magnet board.
- Make a letter sound while your child is standing close to the magnet board.
- Then, ask them to rush to the letter magnets, choose the correct letter, and stick it on the magnet board.
Asking your younger child to locate the letter, pronounce the letter sound, and repeat it will help them acquire new letter sounds.
Letter twirl:
For this, parents should do some DIY to make it more interesting for their child.
- Pick up toilet paper or an old foil tube and divide the tube in half.
- On one end of the tube, write the beginning letters (such as “c” and “m”), and on the other, the rest of the word.
- Now insert the two tubes into a hangar by opening one side.
- The two rolls can now be twirled to create a variety of words, such as cat, mat, eat, bat, hat etc.
Build the new words:
Does your child understand the sounds made by letters? Then, this game is for them.
Let’s move to the next level where you need to use the alphabet to create simple words. Cut out letters from coloured paper and place them inside small circles. Allow your youngster to combine these to create new words, such as “bat” and “cat,” etc.
Sorting the picture:
You will need a lot of images of items that your kid is familiar with and can pronounce, as the game’s name suggests. Set up a table with words or letters at the top, and let the child paste photos of items on it that start with those letters or words.
Say Two Words:
This fun learning game for kids requires zero resources and enables children to exercise their legs and burn off some energy.
When you mention two words that share the same sound, they should stand up as quickly as they can; but, if the words do not share the same sound, they should remain seated. In order to declare a clear winner while playing with more kids, you can set up an elimination method.
I- Spy Discovery bottle:
This is a good way to kill boredom.
A huge juice bottle must be filled with a variety of little objects that spell out different words, leaving sand or rice for the bottle’s empty area.
Pick a letter from the phonics clip card, then have your toddler shake the bottle and look for something that starts with that letter.
Have FUN!
These activities may undoubtedly give you some ideas for helping toddlers’ minds grow and develop. With the help of these phonics exercises for kids, you may fulfill your role as a parent to provide your child with a basic education. The top-rated schools in Coimbatore follow phonics activities to make it simple for children to identify the sounds of symbols, develop their vocabulary, and foster effective reading skills.