10 ways to Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills

Kids need to have good fine motor skills so they can use the tiny muscles in their hands, wrists, fingers, feet, and toes. Children’s brains must coordinate between what they do and what they observe in order to control these little muscle movements. However, the best preschools in Selvapuram assist the kids in developing their fine motor skills. This aids in the development of the muscles needed for grabbing, holding, pressing, and scissor gripping.
Letting kids handle things on their own is a reason for enhancing their fine motor abilities. It comprises writing, buttoning clothing, using utensils, tying shoelaces, and using scissors. Through these, kids can improve their academic achievement, self-confidence, and independence abilities. Here are ten entertaining techniques to help children strengthen their fine motor abilities.
The TEN best ways to help your child develop fine motor skills
Ensure these little muscles strengthening skills for kids can develop with the help and support from the parents and their preschools. Let’s get into detail.
1. Play-dough
Kids can experiment with play-dough to develop their fine motor abilities. It is simple and interesting. When making shapes and figures, it provides them with essential movements for development and enhances creativity.
Most of the best kindergarten schools in Selvapuram have a practice of simple activities using play-dough that includes:
- – Blend the play-dough of various colors to create a new color dough.
- – Assist in creating smaller balls from the play-dough.
- – Give them a safe knife to cut the play-dough into smaller portions.
- – Help them to create new shapes or forms of fish, cats, elephants or whatever they like.
2. Puzzles
Spend time with your children while they stack blocks or lego toys; this is a great approach to encourage hand strength and helps to develop critical thinking. Encourage your child to participate in simple puzzles at first, then more difficult ones as you can to help them develop their hand-eye coordination, muscle control, and coordination.
3. Painting
Your child can practice their fine motor skills while painting. Try using brushes of various sizes and a variety of surfaces when painting. She might paint on finger-paint paper one day and a big cardboard box the next. Teach her how to draw some basic dots and lines. Encourage her to paint with a brush rather than her fingers so she may practice using her thumb and forefinger to handle the brush.
4. Stickers
Peeling and pasting stickers are a great way for kids to practice fine motor skills. If necessary, peel a corner of a sticker before letting him peel the rest by themselves. Purchase stickers with his favorite themes or characters to really capture their attention. It aids in their education and teaches children how to pronounce the many themes and characters on the stickers.
5. Writing
Allow children to draw with crayons during the day to improve their wrist and eye coordination.
The top playschools in Coimbatore allow children to watch or practice writing in order to increase their stamina and endurance. As a first step, become comfortable holding pencils or pens between their thumb and forefinger when writing.
You can also utilize a vertical surface, such as a blackboard to write, draw, or scribble, which aids in the child’s arm and hand development.
6. Learn to handle things while eating
Your child needs to develop their little muscles, so let them help set the table for dinner, pour a glass of milk or water, eat themselves with forks or spoons, and set up their play culinary station so they can learn stirring and shaking.
When parents are cooking at home, this exercise is a simple option. So encourage the kids to participate in the activities that you do.
7. Bath Time:
A quick technique to strengthen your child’s hand and finger muscles is to help them put on and take off clothes. Even with buttons, you press a couple before letting your kid do the remaining ones.
Secondly, while taking bath, let them fill and pour with cups, and squeeze with sponges or squeaky rubber toys. Try not to worry if water spills on the floor because you can always clean it up afterwards.
8. Sand Play
Using cups to fill, pour, and empty them is a tonne of fun and promotes sensory development, much like bath time play. Use spoons to dig and scoop. Make molds. Build objects and make drawings. Making it an indoor game while using magic or kinetic sand is an excellent alternative.
9. Learn Paper Cuttings
Cutting using scissors helps to develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and concentration. You can make cutouts of the shapes you’ve drawn for your kid. Make some snowflakes from paper. cut playdough, even. To make cutting and holding smaller pieces of card stock or construction paper easier, utilize them. The smaller pieces they had cut can likewise be used to create a new collage.
Use scissors that are appropriate for children’s age.
10. Threading and Lacing
Children can easily develop fine motor skills through threading and lacing techniques. They benefit from lacing activities in the development of their fine motor, bilateral coordination, motor planning, and visual perception skills. Children can also practice fundamental sewing and shoe-tying skills via lacing.
These exercises are beneficial for parents and teachers and can keep a child interested in learning new things. Comparing developmental stages with other children, especially in kindergarten these activities make a clear opportunity to improve fine motor skills. Before your child gets into a CBSE nursery school admission, try some simple DIY projects for kids to make or learn something.